d = s x t

You can use this equation to solve for the lightning strike distance.  Not sure how the variables break down, but it's kind of neat to think that we could use mathematics to figure stuff out if we wanted to.  I guess that's something I'm learning from this challenge.  There's a whole world out there people, and math is a key to that world.  Physics too probably.  As well as other sciences.  All the stuff I didn't study in school.

Basically, I can't figure out jack squat with the stuff I've learned and know.  It's frustrating as all get out.  Not going to lie.


mm said…
I looked up the formula and became more confused.
jdoc said…
Humidity gets on my last nerve.
Anonymous said…
People are always saying to me, "didn't you learn that in physics class?" Clearly the answer is "no".

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