Creativity + Patience + Stamina + Knowledge = The Traits of the Great Gardener

I've been gardening.  I want the miniscule side garden to look nice when 20 Something shows up tomorrow.  I'm almost done.

I chose some new plants this year:

  • The Obedient Plant which I'm hoping lives up to its name.  
  • The Japanese Painted Fern which won Perennial of the Year in 2004!!!!!  
  • Pincushion Plant, which might have been a mistake.  It already looks a little ticked off and reluctant to grow.
  • Lavender because I'm thinking Husbandman might want to start a Lavender Soap Company this summer. 

    Every year I don't want to garden, but every year I do and I end up letting our teeny garden turn into a massive time suck.  I spend a lot of time staring at the plants after I stick them in the ground.  I'm talking A LOT of time.  Just standing and staring.  It's kind of odd, even for me. I've been reading about the qualities of the great gardener.  Not sure I have what it takes, but there's something about gardening that appeals to my compulsivity.


    Anonymous said…
    That spot needs a garden and I do the same thing, watching and waiting and obsessing for the plants to settle in and take off. I love that little garden spot and you needed to take it on--you'll be happy you did, although not maybe right now.
    Trying to up the comments-have you noticed?
    mm said…
    I love the name "obedient plant."
    Anonymous said…
    I can't wait to see these plants. And I recognize that fairy! :)
    KC said…
    Good work. Staring seems meditative, so that's good too. When will the new Headspace app be ready??
    KC said…
    Yesterday I called a garden helper/coach. She's coming over to help/coach me next week.

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