The Chapters

View from Apartment Window
Toronto weather's not great, to be honest. But on the good side, our apartment is located right downtown and I very much enjoy an urban setting. I took a couple of rainy walks today and have scoped out my future haunts for the next 5 weeks -- some fine coffee shops, an incredible museum and a very fabulous book store.

I found this book store and was entering cheerily when I noticed a sign on the door that said the book store is closing at the end of May. I literally went from cheer to drear in a matter of seconds.  I hate when book stores close.  I feel so guilty for buying so many e-books. Why can't we have e-books and book stores living side by side in harmony?  There's got to be a way.

On a side note, the linked article about the book store closing said they were trying to find new positions for their employees.  I hope they're sincere about this because one time I worked at a book store and it was sold to another company and my boss said the new company was going to hire all of us and the new company did not hire us.  So I lost my job and that was a big fat drag.  Good luck, book store employees.  I wish you well.


mm said…
I love buying books online and totally agree. In fact, I'm going to go to Magers and Quinn tonnight and buy a book that isn't on ebook yet.
LH said…
WAY TO GO, MM. I bought a book at the going out of business book store. I did my part, but mostly I buy ebooks, I must admit.

Indiana Rock, you've summed it all up in a hashtag nutshell. As per usual.
Anonymous said…
Everything must be so different from the last nine months of your live you must be in shock.

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