I saw the sea.

TR:  Raiti HaYahm.

Well, the time is drawing nigh, my friends, the time is drawing nigh.  20 Something's going back to the place where she normally lives and works at her job and mingles with her peeps.

20 Something found this doll arm on the beach and put it under my towel yesterday unbeknownst to me. Quite the prankster. She's also taught us how to do acrostics on the computer and now we're addicted.  She also got me to level 8 on QuizUp, in the DRAKE category. She also got us singing some fine trios on our various car rides.  In short, the girl's been a delight.  Host Country is sad to see this American Woman go.


KC said…
She IS a delight. Way to be, Ros!
Anonymous said…
So sweet. But of course she is…
LH said…
She's really fun as can be. I can't wait tip we can get the whole tribe of 4 together this summer. It will be phenomenal.

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