Shodo Is Coming

Tr:  Shodo Mitekarev!

I have spent a lot of time this past week translating a book written for young children called Shodo Mitakarev, or Shodo is Coming. 

Come to find out, it’s about some witches who fear that a monster by the name of Shodo is coming from the desert to eat them.  They make a magic soup to turn Shodo into a block of cheese (I’m not 100% positive about the block of cheese bit).  Shodo comes to town and they throw their smelly soup on him and he runs back to the desert crying for his mom, like a pathetic coward.  The witches laugh uncontrollably and literally roll on the floor.  Shodo is never heard from again.  

Sure it’s an awesome tale, but I probably spent 4 to 5 hours working on translating Shodo this week. I couldn’t stop myself. It was like I was cracking the DaVinci Code. There's part of me that's desperate to go buy more books in this series for my last week here. I obviously need to get back to my job where I don’t make choices and my time is a lot more structured. In short, people, I need to get back to work and get my brain back in the game. 


mm said…
I feel like your brain has been engaged the entire time. It may be different than you are accustomed.
KC said…
LOL. I can't wait for you to get back to teaching because I love how great at teaching you are and how funnily you write about it.

But, I obvi loved Haifa blog, too.
lee said…
I went for coffee with Landwoman yesterday and read the book to her. She was impressed with my translation.

BUT... the monster's name is SHUDU, not Shodo. I get o's and u's mixed up over here because they look nearly identical.

Also, the witches were planning on turning him into white cheese, not specifically a block of cheese. Other than that I was spot on.
Anonymous said…
What's up with the donkeys? Did people just park them there?
LH said…
I'm not sure what they were doing there. That little one really stole my heart though. I kept looking at him/her and then the view, and then the donkey and then the view.

I wonder if people could ride the donkeys down the trail if they wanted to, but I didn't see people doing that.

In Petra there were a zillion donkey ride taxis all over the place. Donkeys are pretty darned hearty. Go DONKEYS! (Sorry we use you as beasts of burden).

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