Learning 18: The Lasik

I've had trouble with my glasses fogging up for some time now.  Usually I ignore it.  But sometimes it's so foggy I can't see.  And other times people I'm with like to point out that my glasses are fogging up and that's kind of a drag.  Either way, I end up taking off my glasses, waiting til they defog, and then putting them back on.  Last night, I went through the fog/defog procedure about 48 times while trying to watch #1 Son play tunes at The Tap.  SO ANNOYING.  This morning I ordered new glasses.  When I was in the glasses place, my glasses were fogging up.  I wasn't doing anything but sitting there talking to the glassesgal.  She said, "I've never seen anything like that. You're not even moving.  You're just sitting there. That would drive me insane. You must buy new glasses." So I calmed her down and pulled out the credit card.  My new glasses are lighter and I added a defog coating on them, so I should be good to go.

After I ordered the new glasses I drove home, wondering why I have this foggy problem.  Maybe I should get Lasik instead of new glasses, I thought.  Got home, and jumped on the googler to learn about Lasik surgery. After the learning, I've decided Lasik is not for me.  I can't stand the thought of someone cutting and lasering my eye, even though the results of better vision are usually immediate.
Would you, or have you, gotten LASIK?  Weigh in here, peeps.


Anonymous said…
This seems like a great question for the new web page. I love voting on it! I, myself, could not do the LASIK. Justine had it done, and she still has to wear glasses quite often. Plus when she described the procedure to me, it freaked me out! Couldn't even attempt the video, my friend.
Can't wait to see the new frames. Isn't my sister ridiculous?
Anonymous said…
Not me baby! I love my eyes and see no reason to take the chance of something going wrong! I'll wait for the cataract surgery! Most people I know that have had it done end u[ wearing glasses anyway! Sticking to the classy glasses! Linda
LH said…
N & L, Check out the video. The doctor does a great job of explaining what happens. They get it done in 6 minutes!

Erin said…
no thanks for me. I can't even stand the puff of air thing they do. I firmly stand by your decision on new glasses however I do really like your current ones.
KC said…
No lasik for me. I actually like to wear glasses. Plus my vision is not that bad. Plus, my MIL is an opthamologist, and she is mixed on it.
StreibProjects said…
The Tap? I love the Tap!!
Anonymous said…
I looked into Lasik awhile back and decided no. It just grosses me out. Plus as your eye changes you will have to have the procedure again! And I don't think it corrects the bifocal thingy. I had my eyes checked recently and the tech lady came at me with some device that was going to hit my eye 6 times in rapid succession. She said this like it was an everyday occurrence. And I told it was not going to do this to me. So they did the test the old fashioned way and I was just fine with that.
mm said…
I learned a long time ago lasik is not for me, but then I can't even put eye drops in my eyes by myself :9 Although I've had a prescription for glasses since I was in my teens, I rarely wear them. Most of the time I can fake it. Getting older has caused a problem with reading, so I often don the glasses when I'm reading.
Sarah Gardner said…
I am up for considering LASIK, but have always assumed its too much money for me right now, but possibly in the future. My grandpa got it done and it went well, he only needed reading glasses, but he looked so odd without glasses on that my grandma had him get bifocals that were clear on top with his reading glasses in the bottom!
Bill said…
I think just get some sweet new spex.

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