Learning #17: The Feminism

Jack Halberstam spoke at 20 Something's graduation ceremony.  Husbandman loved Jack's talk, so I was super happy when JannyC sent us a link to the awesome speech on the website here. I loved the use of pop culture as a template for discussing the meaning of graduating as a Women & Gender Studies scholar in 2013.

The problem with a learning challenge is that you are hoping you can explain what you learned in the blog entry.  After reading the awesome speech, I decided to learn more about Halberstam.  Jack's written a ton and I've always wondered about this book @ Gaga Feminism.

Though I tried to learn as much as I could, I'm not going to be able to explain it well yet. I'm still learning.  But I think there's something there about moving past dichotomies and oppositions and seeing feminism as complex and perhaps performative?  Anyway, interesting stuff.  From Jack Halberstam's funny, inspiring speech, I've been on a learning trail today that's going to move on out into the future.  Neato torpedo.  Learning takes time and it's not always quick and easy peasy lemon squeezy. That's okay. Fun to be thinking about this stuff.  Soon, though, I'm going to have to get super serious about organizing for our big trip.  


mm said…
I learned a new saying... neato torpedo... I hope I can us it today. Also, I'm confident my pump instructor will say easy peasy lemon squeezy today because she often does.
Anonymous said…
Neato torpedo I knew about -- and I use it quite a bit. But the lemon squeezy part of easy peasy? That was news to me.

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