The Movie Challenge
I forgot about the movie challenge til this morning! KC and Pronto really finished strong. Inspired by Pronto, I'm writing about the best movie of all time. I think Sense and Sensibility is really the best movie of all time. I've watched it many, many times. If I could, I would watch it this very second. It has some great intersecting plots and some fine romance. This is one of those movies that you should really see regardless of whether you want to or not, as I've told Husbandman on many occasions.
I really love Emma Thompson in that scene where her sister is dying and she freaks out and says, "Don't leave me here alone."
Don't you think that's a phenomenal scene????
Owen Jenkins, Jane Austen scholar and legendary English professor, claimed that this was a perfect movie and, in fact, had corrected the errors that Austen had made in the novel. And Austen is, of course, the greatest novelist of all time. So that was high praise.
He also loved Clueless. Thought it was a fine representation of the perfect novel, Emma.