See this sculpture?  Once I saw U2 play on this square.  It was an impromptu concert.  Good Pal Janny and Little Sister Faith and I hopped on down to the Embarcadero to hear them play.  Back then there was a highway elevated behind this sculpture, but it collapsed in the earthquake of 89.  But when the highway was there, people stopped driving and stood looking down on U2.  Best seats in the house.  Bono climbed up on the sculpture and spray painted, "Rock and Roll.  Stop the traffic."

How did he know to have some spray paint with him I'm wondering now?
But that's neither here nor there.  Whenever I see this sculpture, or a picture of this sculpture, I think of this great time of yore.


Mom, this is so cool. #Jealous.
LH said…
Hey Darling.
I don't usually Long and Winding Road but today I like it:

Why leave me standing
Let me know the way.
kc said…
This is a really cool story. Love the sculpture and the memory.
mm said…
I find it important to always have spray paint in my purse. One never knows when the situation will ask for it. My color of choice is red.
Goodwoman said…
I am super jealous of your story... Can't wait for more U2 memories this summer!
LH said…
I hope they sing this:

And you know it's time to go
Through the sleet and driving snow
Across the fields of mourning
Lights in the distance

And you hunger for the time
Time to heal - desire time
And your earth moves beneath
your own dream landscape
StreibProjects said…
Wow! What a great memory!
jdoc said…
A friend of mine tells a story about the time his female boss said to him, "I love U2." He was confused and thought she loved him too, even though the didn't love her.

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