Image 9: The Hamster

I used to have hamsters.  All their names started with H.  Hamilton was the first. Then Hannah, Hope, Harrison. I think there may have been one more.
Anyway, I'm heading into the worksite today to work on our state mandated school improvement report. The state decided to move up the due date by a couple of months, so several of us will be working all weekend on this job.  Thanks, State.


lee said…
Helen was the other hamster.
StreibProjects said…
That sucks about work. I didn’t know you were an H person like me! very cool.
jdoc said…
I really like this hamster drawing. I didn't know you were such an artist. Good luck at the compound. I have to work this weekend too. Ugh.

Do your best and forget the rest.
mm said…
Boo to the state.
Boo to going to work.
Yea! for your hamster.
LH said…
Streibie, Yeah, H is the way to go. I'm thinking of getting a hamster for my office.

Jdoc, I'm trawling How To Draw sites for the easiest pix to copy. Good luck to you too. I'm not on a roll yet, but I'm going to get there.

Thanks, MM!
Hillary, Mom! Hillary Hamster! This picture looks a lot like her.
dw said…
I like this picture very much. It makes me want to have a hampster. Or maybe just a drawing of a hamster.
Shef said…
This is an amazing drawing. I'm really sorry about the weekend at work, tho. When I try "How to draw" sites, I'm actually not that good at it. I'm very impressed.
kc said…
That was me, lee! kc
kc said…
As I was thinking about this post some more, I realized that I've read a lot about these hamsters in the past and laughed my head off at your hilarious prose. Probably other people want to read the posts you've written about hamsters. Here's a link:
LH said…
OMG, so fun to read about those crazy hamsters and crazy kids.

This is another funny coincidence. Good Pal JC wrote to me today that she and her fam are looking into the Kia Soul, which as you know, I own! (In boring silver, but still). Then she went out and bought one! (In my fave green. I'm still filled with longing for the green, but that's okay). We're soul mates now, all because of my HAMSTER DRAWING!!!!

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