Image 20: Nance's Hummingbird

As you can see, Nance has done a great job with this hummingbird.  I actually tried to draw a hummingbird a few days ago, but gave up on it.  So, KUDOS, NANCE!  Here's the thing you might not know.  I made a common assessment text about hummingbirds the other day and I learned 2 things:
a.  Red dye in the hummingbird feeder is unnecessary.  It harms the hummingbird's tiny kidneys, people!
b.  The largest hummingbird is 8 inches long.  (I can't remember the name, but that's ridiculous to have such a large hummingbird).
c.  The smallest hummingbird (bee hummingbird) is 2 inches long.


mm said…
Thanks for sharing your hummingbird knowledge.
KC said…
I love the hummingbird drawing (way to go, N!!!) and the facts. Thanks.
StreibProjects said…
Nice bird. I’m going to fill up my hummingbird feeder this summer. Those little birds are so cool and so fast!
Anonymous said…
Don't wait till summer to fill those feeders! April 1st is the day to start, as a few of those little guys are already around.I have mine out, but haven't seen one yet--any day now, I just know it!
dw said…
I like how you can tell that the wings are moving really fast. attention to detail really makes drawings work.
Anonymous said…
Check your email regarding the strawberry festival.

Judy said…
This is nice, Nancy!

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