The Experiences

Walked in Brown County yesterday. And napped. And read a book called Kira Kira. Q. good. And then I saw Superbad with Husbandman and #1 Son. Also good. #1 loved it the most.


Julie Anna said…
I want to see Superbad. It got rave reviews from the boy, but I've sort of wanted a second opinion. ;) Beautiful picture...did you take it? Is it Brown county? I've been doing a lot of walking but no woodland hikes lately. I cannot get my family motivated to be out in the woods, which is my favorite place to be. Very bummed.
Julie Anna said…
Ah, went back and noticed photo credit and your photo woes. Great photo GPM!
Anonymous said…
FYI: The photo was taken in Magnet Indiana. That's the Ohio River.
Anonymous said…
Got a package from you from GPM today. Hurray! What a great surprise. Must chat.

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