The Forum

Because my new school is an old school and because it is a failing school, there are community meetings about the school going on right now to discuss possibilities for moving the school or restructuring it in some way. It looks like restructuring involves closing shop, and that would be a drag since I just moved in. I went to a meeting last night and the neighbors want a more diverse demographic in the school. Too many poor kids in one building. One point no one brought up is my preference for the downtown locale. I almost stood up and told them that I like walking over to Bloomingfoods after I teach and I like being able to see the courthouse fish in the morning from the parking lot. But I'm new, so I didn't pipe up. I lost my chance to voice my opinion.


Anonymous said…
wow, i didn't know the school was under such heavy discussion. i hope that whatever happens, your food options continue to be good.

i got some cute new shoes today. just fyi.
Anonymous said…
and drink options...
Anonymous said…
Thanks to you, NCLB.


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