The Task

Chapter 5 has to be totally rewritten. So annoying, especially considering that I don't feel like rewriting it.


Anonymous said…
Chapter 5 can be like floor 13 in a hotel. Who needs it? Just skip to Ch 6!
LH said…
i'm heading down to the basement to wrestle it down to the ground. I was going to move it to a new locale, but honored adviser said to just leave it there and move on.
KC said…
i'm sorry to hear of this. i'm sure by now you have it in hand. because you are invincible. go lee.
Undomestic said…
I bet our kids say that all the time when we want them to rewrite something.

You can do it!!!!!!
LH said…
update: i'm heading out to drive a golfcart around at a soccer tournament. part of my volunteer hours so #1 son can be part of fancy soccer club. v. annoyed about this.
5 is revised, and now i'm trying to fix up the citations. anyone know how to start pagination with roman numerals, and then switch to regular numerals once you get to chapter 1? spent 30 minutes trying to figure this out this morning? is it even possible?
Anonymous said…
last chance, peeps. Who's coming to visit us in gay Paris? [see link]

Formatting: break it into two separate docs and it's easy. Otherwise: climb under the wheels of that golf cart.

Anonymous said…
Simply do the Roman, and then simply switch to the Arabic. No segue needed.
LH said…
thanks peeps. i'll try again.
bob, have the funnest time ever.
please send pix. and post cards, dearheart.

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