The Stakes

I see Harry Potter readers everywhere and I'm sad to say I see many of them reading in fear. There's a collective awareness that a potential ending spoiler could happen at any moment. (I haven't read the book, so don't worry, you can read this post).
One Potter reader I know was teased about a potential spoiling and she responded with an uncharacteristically menacing "F*** off!" Another Potter reader around here, when asked, "Do you want to know the ending?" offered the steely reply, "Do you want to die?"
The stakes are high, spoilers. Please be careful. And readers, don't do anything you'll later regret.


KC said…
i am so glad i'm done with that book. i did live in fear that it someone would tell the ending, and really i felt i needed to find out for myself. just like harry, if you think about it.
LH said…
Poor teen daughter, she has to go to work with 60 pages left. Husbandman's going to drive her and she'll be reading all the way in. I wish they could give Potter breaks to employees, but they won't.
Anonymous said…
Ha ha! Potty Break/Potter Break!
Anonymous said…
Finished at long last! That was quite a roller coaster. It was a fine end to the series upon which I've been emotionally dependent for the last eight years. I can't tell you how I'm feeling, though. It would give away the ending. -TD
LH said…
i'm in husbandman's office right now. working on the last chapter. steady as they go.
LH said…
I'm on page 8 of chapter 13. And I just finished up a section. I don't like starting a new section. I find it difficutl.
LH said…
still on page 8. I'm webbing some ideas for the next section.
LH said…
okay, what's happening now you ask? I've outlined the next section, it has 3 parts. now i should move into writing the first part. but i may need lunch first.
LH said…
i just printed off an article about literacy as social practice.
should be very helpful.
LH said…
i've written an intro to this section. of sorts.

i now venture out for a small repast.
LH said…
i'm on p. 9.
LH said…
i was wrong. i'm still on8.
LH said…
okay, i'm on 9 now.
LH said…
i'm on p. 10 now. i may have to get another latte.
i only have coin money though.

i think i have enough.
Anonymous said…
You can do it my friend!
Wrap it up!
LH said…
thanks n.

i'm on page 11 now and it's getting a bit babbly. But I think babbly's going to have to do.
LH said…
I'm on page 12. I don't need to write much in this section I've decided. Short and sweet. I may take a quick walk to get some food.
LH said…
how can i still be on 12, i ask myself. it feels like i've written more, and yet here i still am.
LH said…
i'm on 13 now. I have to think of a few extra things to say in this section before I can move on to the conclusion. I think.
LH said…
i'm on 14, but the last bit isn't that terrific. still not sure how i'm going to conclude this thing. i'll keep you posted.
LH said…
i fixed up the last part and now i'm going to read it over and see if i can write a little conclusion.

this is neat, i have so many comments.
LH said…
i think a concluding paragraph can be about six sentences or so.
LH said…
I'll have to read over the chapter tomorrow before i send it along to advisorpal, but i'm going to call it done. my dissertation rough draft is now done and when i return from vacation i will revise it. This is good news for all concerned.
KC said…
OMG, I totally missed these developments because i confess i have been reading your blog via bloglines, and so i don't actually come to the url as much.... AND I TOTALLY REGRET IT.

holy frijoles.

i am bursting with pride!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow! What a journey!
Hooray for you!
Anonymous said…
Time to spare,my friend.
Time to spare!

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