The Pilot
When I got to NY, I walked over to look at some photos at the photo place. I spent some time checking out photos of Amelia Earhart. I knew a little about her because I had read a kid biography with a lit. circle a few years ago. I didn't know though how famous she was. Just accept when I tell you she was extremely famous. So I'm back at College Pal's house in fabulous Murray Hill, Manhattan and I decide to borrow a fictionalized account of Amelia as a kind of follow up experience. Today I wake up to read in our local paper that a new expedition is being organized to find out more about what happened to Amelia after her crash. 3 Amelia sightings/situations in one week. I'm pretty sure it probably means something.
and hi ms. r. so good to see you here. going to ncte?
here's something i learned about amelia. when she married g.p. putnam, she was having an affair with another guy. she told gp that she would not be faithful to him and that she did not expect him to be faithful to her. she also said that on their one year anniversary they should divorce if either one was unhappy. So practical.
I was Amelia Earhart.
It was fiction, but I want it to be true.
Are you going to NCTE in NYC this november? Please say yes.