The Finale

Good news from the heartland. I start writing the final chapter of the diss tomorrow. I'm giving myself one week to get the job done. I know, I know, extensive revisions follow that, but let's cross that bridge when we get there, shall we? There's no reason to jump the gun. Let's just put cash on the barrel.


Anonymous said…
Our $$$'s on YOU Lee-Lee!!! Sic'em!
Anonymous said…
I don't really know what it means, but I'm putting cash on the barrel for you. Nicely done.
Julie Anna said…
Cash on the barrel, cash on the nose, I've heard both. The partner teases me greatly because I sometimes say "cash money" as if there is any other kind. What can I say, I'm from Indiana.
Julie Anna said…
Oh, and I forgot to add...GOOD LUCK on the ultimate chapter.
LH said…
thanks dolls. i am reading over the diss and taking notes for the last chapter. today was a little slow going, but it will come together probably later.

i just heard the "cash on the barrel" phrase for the first time. have not yet investigated its etymology. But will do so soon.
Anonymous said…
I've heard it as "cash on the barrelhead." Even curiouser.

I sometimes ask Bob for/if he has "cash money." Usually I'm trying to suggest that it's inappropriate to use a credit card for two bagels or some other such trivial purchase.

And I've lived my whole life in CA.

LH said…
okay i learned a little more about this term here:

I learned we can also say "cash on the nail" if we feel like it.

I'll probably give it a try.
and m, i always wonder about credit card purchases. when i am at kinko's the machine takes my card and when my total is 12 cents I just think, surely something isn't right here.

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