Take Heart

I wrote 9 sentences this week. Almost 2 sentences each day. To avoid turning into Noel the Negativity Mole, I’m trying to get reassurance from the fact that if I continue to work at this pace, 2 sentences each day, I will probably be able to finish the dissertation by the 7 year deadline. That’s somewhat heartening.
Good news that Rep. Conyers is succeeding with his goal to gather 100,000 signatures for his letter to w asking for answers about the Downing Street Memo. True Blue Liberal is polling about perceptions people have about the possible outcome of increased public attention to the memo. Most respondents aren’t very hopeful, even as they continue to take action. I find that heartening as well.


Anonymous said…
The thing about Noel the Negativity Mole, is that I think his main purpose was to help avoid confusing when factoring quadratics. So, you aren't anything like that. Really.


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