The Neighbors

 Dad and I are getting a lot of good movie watching accomplished down here in the Southland.  I did go outside twice to wheel my dad down the street in his wheelchair. We met two young sisters, older (9) on a bike, younger (7) on a scooter.  They approached us eagerly in a friendly fashion.  Older immediately asked, "What's wrong with him? Did he break his leg?"

I said, "No, he's just kind of old and can't walk so great."

 "Younger asked, "Can he talk?"  

I nearly replied, "Can he ever!" but instead I introduced the girls to my dad as Mr. Dan.  All 4 of us chatted about the street and bike riding and of course the importance of being careful.  Almost suggested helmet use, but figured that might be for another time.  When it was time for us to part ways, Younger said, "I want to tell you a story but it's kind of long about my mom." 

Honestly, I wasn't in the mood for a story of length, so I said, "Well, we're going to head in."

"Okay, I'll make it shorter.  My mom was folding clothes and then she died in the kitchen." 

I looked at Older and she concurred with, "They called 911, but she was already dead when they got there."  We offered sincere condolences and headed inside.  

The next time we headed out for a walk, Dad mentioned that he would love to hear more about the story about their late mom.  I told him we should probably leave it alone.  

The girls appeared halfway down the block and Younger scooted adjacent and said, "I feel sorry for you.  Why can't you walk?"

Mr. Dan chimed in with, "Well, I'm old and I'm getting near to the time when I'll....."

I cut him off. "He walks sometimes in the house, but he's kind of slow.  The wheelchair is easier for us to get outside for some fresh air." I am pretty sure my dad was about to tell a 7 year old that he was on death's door.  Smooth move, Dad. 

These are great gals and I hope they enjoy the rest of their summer.  They said they probably won't see fireworks tonight because they're going to their aunt's house.  I won't catch any fireworks either.  I'm already in jammies at 7:30 pm.  Time for Jeopardy.


Janet said…
Just now reading this - catching up with the blog as a series - which I like to do... wow. This is something. Did the mother of the girls really die that way I wonder? How great that you take your dad out for a spin. ❤️

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