Something Something
Tr: Mashehu mashehu
It's the last night of Hanukah. We had a wonderful dinner at Koby's parents house with Koby, Judy, and our cool landpeople this very night. The food was extremely excellent and the conversation was delightful. These people over here are pretty darned nice, my friends. I'm admiring the élan I see all around me here and I'm especially admiring and envying the bilingualism.
My goal in life is to be bilingual or trilingual asap. This whole country is full of bilinguals. I blame my country for not providing me with bilingualism. What, I get gypped out of bilingualism because I live in a country without comprehensive second language education? I really feel my country owes me another language or two. Listen My Country, fork over the languages, STAT.
It's the last night of Hanukah. We had a wonderful dinner at Koby's parents house with Koby, Judy, and our cool landpeople this very night. The food was extremely excellent and the conversation was delightful. These people over here are pretty darned nice, my friends. I'm admiring the élan I see all around me here and I'm especially admiring and envying the bilingualism.
My goal in life is to be bilingual or trilingual asap. This whole country is full of bilinguals. I blame my country for not providing me with bilingualism. What, I get gypped out of bilingualism because I live in a country without comprehensive second language education? I really feel my country owes me another language or two. Listen My Country, fork over the languages, STAT.
Thanks for your blog. I love your one sentence stories and hearing about your adventure.
Unabashed, This is the most exciting news. I hope you'll blog your trip. Thanks for your kind words about leeway. Really appreciate it!