
Tr:  Ohzen

Koby has helped us yet again, making a doctor's appt. for me.  I have had some ear problems and they're not going away.  Sometimes I just don't know if a situation merits a doctor's visit.  I wish our bodies had meters that indicated when to go to the doctor and when to just tough it out.  The ear doesn't hurt that badly, but it's been causing me some worries for a month now.  Israelis are hardy people so I'm nervous the doctor will look in my ear and say something like, "What?  For this, you come to the doctor? This is nothing!"  Seriously, that could happen.  But I'm going to the doctor anyway and I'm v. grateful to Koby for helping us.  I hope I don't (mis)represent my home country as the Land of the Wimpazoids. After I see the doctor, I can put this ear thing behind me and move on with my life, one way or the other.  The appointment will not take up too much of #1 Son's vacation time.  He's napping right now, so all is well.


mm said…
I want the body meter too! Like you, I never know if it's worthy of a doctor visit or not...
mar said…
That's funny, because when we lived in Germany the one time I had to see a doctor was for my ear. The only reason I knew where to go was because we walked past a doctor's office every day and there was a sign with the picture of an ear on it. It turned out I had a bad ear infection. You're not a wuss, Lee!
KC said…
Well? Was it impacted ear wax??
LH said…
It had impacted wax as well as pus inside it. Gross. But now i have the antibiotic drops. I should be fine. Plus he vacuumed out my ear, which was a little painful.

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