I have wine.

Yesh li wine.

There are days when I have uncertainty about what I'm writing.  Some writerly advice I picked up on tumblr said that when you're uncertain, put a mark, and then go ahead and try something.  So today I did that.  There are many marks in the draft, but I kept making some attempts to move it along.

Here's another one sentence story I created recently:

As she jogged through the neighborhood, she recognized the man running toward and past her to be Matt Damon, so without hesitation she turned around and jogged behind him at what she considered a respectful distance.


mm said…
I tried to attach a picture, but your post reminds me of the Keep on Truckin' guy from the 70s or 80s???
KC said…
This is exactly what I would do if I ran by Matt Damon.
Anonymous said…
Oh, yeah…that is one great sentence.

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