The Turtle
FYI: I saw a guy carrying a bucket down to Lake Griffey. And he tipped it over. And a turtle ran (quickly) out of the bucket and down to the lake. Wonder how the guy caught that turtle in the first place.
That's about the level of excitement in my life right now, but that's okay. I don't need excitement 24/7. Today I meant to do some important work, but instead fell asleep while watching What Not to Wear. That show freaks me out because I know I don't know what to wear. Anyway, 20 something daughter has a cool, albeit unpaid, internship for the Kinsey Institute. She blogs and tweets about stuff. 20 Something Daughter has the job I WANT!!!!! Except I want to get paid.
CB, thanks for stopping by woman. Yes, cocktails. One of my goals this summer is to learn to make different kinds of cocktails. So. Somehow. xoxo