The Dilation

The eye intern dilated my eyes today and then she poked bright lights into my eyes, searching for
evidence of retinal detachment.  I have fears of retinal detachment because my dad has it. A real doctor came in and repeated the whole eye pulling lights shining thing.  It felt like I was in a movie I saw once where this guy's eyes were being fooled around with in a torturous way.  I wish I could remember the name of the movie.  Was it Mel Gibson in that movie called Conspiracy Theory?  Not sure, but you should see that if you want.  It's really good.  Anyway, I don't have the detachment, and there's nothing they feel they can do for my migraine auras. But the nevus (mole inside my eye) hasn't grown and they don't expect it to.And they also discovered that they made my last glasses incorrectly and that I couldn't possibly have seen correctly out of the lenses because they weren't positioned correctly, One woman said, "It's such a shame, you spent so much money on them.  We're really sorry.  Next time we'll do a much better job measuring your pupillary distance." Was I in the heckle and jeckle eye clinic?  Felt kind of like it.  I spent a few moments wishing up a magical friend who was an eye doctor so that I wouldn't have to put up with shenanigans.  But the good news is I slowly forgave everyone there and selected a new set of super expensive glasses that will be arriving in a few weeks.  Would this be called a win win?  Probably not when you think about all the mistakes that were made.


Anonymous said…
:) I think I know were you went. We were just there with A-man and discovered mistakes were made with his glasses also. Oh well! He got a new pair and my bank account is now lighter by almost $150.
Sorry about your glasses!! Hopefully the new ones will be perfect!

LH said…
Geez. I don't like hearing this, Ira. They kept apologizing but they also kept telling me that they have a 90 day policy. With the new glasses, I plan on going in every week for 90 days, just to have people look at and discuss my glasses.

It's kind of fun tho, getting new glasses.

Hope your summer's going swell. I'm working hard on some projects. Feels good to have time to do this. I know it will go by fast.
Anonymous said…
Getting new glasses is definitely fun. Although I did not enjoy waiting for A. for three hours. Next time I will bring a book and a snack :)
Our summer is going great!! A little busy, but fun. I am so tired by the end of the day, it's unbelievable. It's a good kind of tiredness though... The kind that feels like the day was not wasted doing regular everyday things. We go to the pool a lot. Maybe you should come with us when you get done with your projects or just need a break :)
Kc said…
I love new glasses. I also feel bad for you that you were not able to have Dan's mom be your eye doctor. She's fantastic and she would not have made the pupillary mistake. Sadly, she's now retired, so even if you lived here, you'd still be out of luck. Pic of the new glasses ASAP Pls!
StreibProjects said…
I think they should have to buy you new glasses for the next two years and all your eye exams should be free for the rest of your life.
LH said…
Ira, I am pretty immersed right now, but if I come up for air, I'll email you about some pool time. I spent hours at the eye place yesterday. I brought my new phone and listed to This American Life. (just fyi).

KC, yes, I need pronto's mom. Just for consulting. And pix will come soon. Sadly they'll come when I'm on vacation so I'll think about that the whole time I'm gone.

Streibie, I agree 100%. But now here's my new question. Does anyone use special glasses for viewing the computer? Because I'm getting a neck ache from tipping my head back so much to see thru the lower half of my lenses. And it's getting on my last nerve.
Anonymous said…
Kevin was getting terrible neck strain from the computer, and the dr. gave him some exercises to do to help. I'm sure he can talk to you about those .
I love getting new glasses!!!! Sadly, I am going to wait a bit until I get some new ones.
LH said…
Yes, I need the exercises. ASAP. neck's really hurting. but i refuse to back away from the computer.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gawd this is terrible!!! Do not ever go back there again!!!

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