The Orientation
#1 Son got oriented today and yesterday. I made an appearance at the Music School Parent Informational Meeting. Basically what I found out is this: When you're in music school, you study music. All the time. You don't do much of anything else. Not sure why this was a bit of a shock for me, but it was.
There was a mom at the meeting who kept talking about how her kid is double majoring in clarinet and biochemistry. She was fairly critical of some of the music school procedures and I had an inkling that she was a bigger fan of the biochemistry than the clarinet.
#1 Son will be taking Ensemble, Orchestral Theory, Jazz Theory, Jazz Improv, Combo and Bass Lesson. And about 5 hours of practicing a day. He had a science class, but #1 Son switched that to Combo. #1 son is thrilled. We're heading to music school peeps. We're heading to music school.
Go, Q! I think this is great.
I love the Billy Collins poem... will need to remember it!