The Slaphappiness

Slaphappiness seeped in today, as I wandered about not working.  Because of the slaphappiness, I'm probably going to have to work a damned extra day.  I had meetings today, but really, I could have gotten more done.  It was just very awesome to walk about talking to people at my leisure.  I loved it.  Some cool teachers came into my office and asked if we would have time at tomorrow's meeting for some record keeping, and I cheerily said, "Sure thing!"  But my pal/boss just stammered, "No we will not.  And why are you saying that?"  And that's when I explained about the slaphappiness.  She understood, but told me not to say that any more, because we are going to have a full day of artful unit design tomorrow.  So now my plan is to get to work before the unit design, basically at the crack of dawn, and try to get my office clean as a whistle, putting forth my personal best efforts.  May the force be with me, because I really want to be done with work after tomorrow.  Let's do this.  


Same problem on the first floor today too! My alarm is set for 5:50 with the intention of an early start for me too.... I'm not coming back after tomorrow! -MG
StreibProjects said…
I like the word slaphappiness. I'm not excited about going back today, but it was nice being able to stop and talk to other teachers without a long line of children waiting impatiently beside me.
mh said…
Hope you got it done, Lee! And I hope I get to talk to you more this Friday than I did at our party! :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the mulch! It looks great and was so helpful. Your garden looked lovely, and q was working hard on the lawn when I came by. See you Friday!
LH said…
FYI, I am done with work.
Cleaning my house, getting ready for the fan to arrive tonight from the south.

Excited and happy

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