The Husbandman

Husbandman is in Korea now, or almost to Korea.  It's a long trip.  As you may know, Husbandman is
our organizer, our efficiency expert and our all round support staff.  My plan is to stay super organized using the flylady system, while Husbandman is gone to the far east. One of my major concerns is my ability to provide food for #1 son. Usually Husbandman makes some casseroles before he leaves. I guess he didn't have (take?) time on this occasion.  #1 son was already stressed this morning because we had no bacon. I'm not trying to cast aspersions, but come on Husbandman.  Get the boy some bacon.  And would it have killed you to pop a lasagna in the oven?  Okay, I'm sure we'll do fine, so no worries dearheart.  Enjoy your time in the far east.  We'll muddle through somehow I'm sure.  But here's the good news, Husbandman:  Our AC is working now.  And we love and miss you a lot.


Gina Marie said…
I'm laughing my butt off at my desk. I have nothing else to contribute, aside from suggesting you just get #1 son a bunch of gift cards to his favorite places and call it a day (week?).
jdoc said…
We roll in a similar fashion at our house. Dave is on night shift all week, and I'm pretty sure Sam and I will be eating cereal. Come on, Husbandmen!
mm said…
I don't mean to complain, but you used the same jpeg twice.
LH said…
2images of the Scottish folds feline. I don't know how this could have happened
Anonymous said…
I think Judy and I should take you to Feast this week for dinner! #1 son can come too or we could bring him home something. :)

Sarah M.
LH said…
Loving this concept sm
Officemate said…
As I was thinking to myself what I was going to take for lunch tomorrow-I thought oh no what's lee going to eat? But Tuesday is salad bar day! Our fav lunch duty day!!!! Ha
Anonymous said…
I'm loving this idea as well, SM. I'm jazzed I got included. ttytt.
LH said…
Geezlouise. On top of everything, I have to contend with salad bar day. Salad bar day. my flippin nemesis.
Anonymous said…
I always have duty on salad bar day too. Back and forth, back and forth for the forks, dressing, napkins...sanity. MG
LH said…
I need more ranch!

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