The Singularity

Husbandman's on a jet plane right now, returning from Denmark.  #1 Son is at JAZZ CAMP.  20 something daughter's off on a weekend fete.  It's nice having the house to myself.  Drinking coffee.  Watching Wimbledon.  Reading NYT.  I've been a putz on the C25K, so my plan is to get out there today and finish week 2.
Don't know why exercise should be such a challenge for me.  I like when I'm doing it.  I like the feeling when I'm done.  But getting myself to do it is always a big psychotic ordeal.  My new goal is to be more carefree about life, so I'm going to work at not making a huge ass deal out of this.


mm said…
I agree with you on the exercise thing... Enjoy your solitude.
Anonymous said…
Bob was supposed to go run a race this morning, leaving me alone at home for several hours, but, at the last minute, he decided not to go.

Now he is here. Being. Here. And asking me about my plans for the day.

My plans were that he wouldn't be here.

Do still love him dearly, though.
LH said…
This is hilarious. I get it!
Anonymous said…
I get it and I'm not even married.
kc said…
I was away from the internet for like two seconds, and you've written all of these awesome blog entries.

I totally agree on the exercise. This is always how I feel pretty much UNLESS the exercise is my only chance at solitude.

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