
Sure I have some qualms.  Qualms about school starting soon.  Qualms about Teendaughter going back to College.  I have major qualms about how slow I am with the Couch to 5K.  Theoretically when you’re done with the C25K, you can actually run a 5k.  I feel like my program should be called Couch to 2.5K because I slog so slowly.  I wish I could just feel happy that I’m exercising and taking care of myself, but instead I focus on the slowness.  Constantly unnerved about the slowness. 
And I have qualms about how I can’t ever seem to achieve a zen like state of calm. Wth?


Anonymous said…
Q-quick laundry. The sign we always looked for on the way to my grandma's as we played the alphabet game in the car when we got to 'q'.

Q-Quinn of course. Loved the bass playing and music the boys created today.

Q-quadrillion. Loved it Shef, and just had to repeat it!
cb said…
Q is for Quack. When I led "Make Way For Ducklings" tours for kids in Boston, I would encourage the kids to quack and walk like ducks as we crossed the street and entered the Public Garden. I miss that.
Anonymous said…
You should have no qualms about the masterful photos you've been producing.
And "Q is for Duck" is the best alphabet book ever written.

KC said…
I too am having qualms that summer is coming to a close.

Slow running is still running, so I am hoping maybe your qualms can diminish on that front.

Maybe what you need to do is watch So You Think You Can Dance?
Anonymous said…
I'm proud of the running you are doing!
Julie Anna said…
Slow is ok!! Lots of people run slow. In this heat and humidity, especially. I was running the other day and I realized I couldn't even call it a "run" but more of a "shuffle". Some days are like that. If you truly want to go faster, the only real way to do that with running is to do a little bit of speed work each week: run somewhat faster than normal for 30-60 seconds, then walk and recover...repeat about 4 times. In this intense heat, though, I'm just not worrying about how slow I go.
I once ran a marathon by following the directions in "Running World" about how to run your first marathon. I was completely compulsive about following it. It would have been better for me to have qualms.

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