Sure I have some qualms. Qualms about school starting soon. Qualms about Teendaughter going back to College. I have major qualms about how slow I am with the Couch to 5K. Theoretically when you’re done with the C25K, you can actually run a 5k. I feel like my program should be called Couch to 2.5K because I slog so slowly. I wish I could just feel happy that I’m exercising and taking care of myself, but instead I focus on the slowness. Constantly unnerved about the slowness.
And I have qualms about how I can’t ever seem to achieve a zen like state of calm. Wth?
Q-Quinn of course. Loved the bass playing and music the boys created today.
Q-quadrillion. Loved it Shef, and just had to repeat it!
And "Q is for Duck" is the best alphabet book ever written.
Slow running is still running, so I am hoping maybe your qualms can diminish on that front.
Maybe what you need to do is watch So You Think You Can Dance?