We had a large mango tree in our yard when I was growing up. I ate mangos all day long, all summer long. I never got tired of them. But here’s the problem with mango trees. They drop a LOT of mangos in your yard and some of the mangos get rotten and buggy and a mushy rotten bug filled mango is nothing you really want to think about, let alone look at in your yard.
Still, I love mangos so much. I ate one with my dinner last night. A slice of mango in my mouth instantly brings back Miami memories.
I am watching a ton o’ movies this summer. I love movies. We now have netflix as you may know. This week we watched A Single Man with Colin Firth. Very sad beautiful movie about a professor whose lover dies and he is not even allowed to acknowledge the relationship publicly because he lives in the 1960’s. Last night we saw The Jacket, a scary movie with Adrian Brody about a guy who gets falsely accused of a crime, gets put in an insane asylum, gets tortured, does some time traveling and finally figures out how to fix his problems. Yesterday we drove to Indy to see Cyrus. John C. Reilly is phenomenal. I loved it. We plan to see Leonardo in Inception this weekend.
My mom’s turning 80 next month. My mom’s incredible. She’s a nurse and once a week she volunteers in a monastery. She takes care of monks who are in the infirmary. Don’t you think that’s a cool thing for someone to do? My mom did hospice nursing for many years. But you don’t have to be near death’s door for my mom to help you out. She’s just one of those people who you turn to, when you’re in any type of jam, large or small. I have so much admiration and love for my mom. Today I called her and she was hanging with her little dog Lupe. Besides being super supportive, she always has a story to share. And she enjoys the funny side of situations. Plus, my mom is a regular blog reader which always makes me feel great. Love you Mom! Enjoy these last few weeks of 79.
Please give your mom a hug for me next time you see her. She continues to be such an extraordinary person.
I will indeed give her a hug. You are due for a few letters. I, J, K. L, and M! Come on friendie!
Love you!
I love your mom as well. She ROCKS! Happy Birthday Ann!
Love you too, LmnH.
I'm all caught up.
Bring it!
Your mom sounds great. There are many days that I would like her to hang around with me.