Hate, Things I
I hate ham.  It tastes and smells gross and it has the most disgusting color and texture.  I hate hospitals.  I hate people bossing me around.  I hate cancer.  I hate people telling me things happen for a reason.  I hate dark chocolate.  I hate when someone does a task poorly and then I have to re-do the task.  I hate No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top.  I hate fruit flies, especially the ones flying around my kitchen right now even though I’ve done everything possible to eliminate them.  I hate the death penalty.  I hate when I’m out with a friend and someone comes up and starts talking to my friend for a ridiculously long time.  Get the hell out of here, weirdo.  
These are most of the things I hate.  I try to not be a hater, but an appreciator.  Still, some times hate is unavoidable and perhaps even slightly productive. 


mm said…
Did you get your new camera? Do you like it? Did you find your old camera?

You have to realize there are negatives to appreciate the positives.
LH said…
Yes, new camera arrived. Yes I like it. Yes I found the old camera. Positives and Negatives abound with this camera situation!
Julie Anna said…
I think we can agree to hate most of these things. Especially the texture and color of ham, and of course the cancer. I hate grain moths more than I hate fruit flies. It took us several years to completely eliminate the grain moths, which I think we got from the bulk bins at B'foods if you must know. (Don't think we've ever gotten them from the bulk bins at Sahara Mart or Kroger.) I may actually be guilty of telling someone things happen for a reason, although I can't say I totally embrace the concept, and I certainly don't enjoy hearing it applied to any bad situation of my own, so I've pretty much learned not to say it. It doesn't help anyone to hear it.
Anonymous said…
Very interesting list.
I love the photo.
See you around 5-ish.

cb said…
Very good list. My love of milk chocolate has made me resentful of dark chocolate because I feel like I really should prefer the dark chocolate. But I don't.

H is also for hats. I love hats and hat stores. If I looked good wearing a hat, even marginally, I would wear them all the time.
jdoc said…
Now I have that Hater song in my head from Glee which is not originally from Glee but from someone else who would probably prefer that I associate it with them. Oh well. I do like the song. And I love this post!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for hating ham!!!! It is gross.
H-haircut. I love getting my hair cut. I think I would get my hair cut every two weeks if I could. I like it short.
You are hilarious!!!!! KC is also very hilarious!!!! I love reading and laughing at your hilarious stories on the blogs!
KC said…
This is hilarious. I hate most of these things, but guess what? I don't hate ham. I think it's pretty delicious. I'm sorry that grosses you out!!

N, THANKS for that nice comment!!
Anonymous said…
I hate cancer too.
TMW said…
Re: fruitlies

Take a bowl (larger surface area the better) and pour in sweet white wine. Then squeeze a recently used sponge in your hand, so you have a bit of dish soap bubble residue on it. Then swirl the bubbles into the wine. The flies will be attracted by the sweetness, and the soap breaks the surface tension so they can't land on it. They'll drown.
TMW said…
fruit flies, that is
LH said…
Teresa, thx, we're giving it a try. Cross your fingers for me everyone.

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