The Book

Phew.  I've been thinking I'm heading toward aliteracy lately, but this giftie from SeattleKin has restored my confidence.  I love Nick Hornby.  His characters communicate annoyance with the world really well.
I'm working on the NCTE talk.  It's slow going as always, but it's warm and cozy here on the blue couch and I'm having a go.  
Husbandman nearly forgot about the yearly tradition of making me a pumpkin pie for my birthday.  But once I reminded him he headed right out to the shop to get the ingredients and he's making it right now.  That was a close one.  "How could you forget about this tradition?" I asked him, but he simply said, "I don't know.  Maybe it's because of my knee problems."  He truly has been having knee problems, but I'm not sure that would really make a person forget about an important tradition.  I'm going to cut him some slack, especially since he's almost putting the pie in the oven right now.  Yes!


Anonymous said…
You make me laugh.
And you make me want to come over and hang out and chat right this second!
I miss you!

Happy birthday, by the way.
LH said…
We must get together asap.
I miss you too!!!
A Truffles night???
Anonymous said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE! Your birthday flowers are on JPG.

cb said…
Pumpkin pie! That sounds so good. Can I come over?

Happy Birthday!!


p.s. How To Be Good by Mr. Hornby was very fun to read.
Anonymous said…
Definitely! Are you availble for Truffles sometime this week? Kevin could maybe take the boys to MAYO on Tuesday and we could go to Truffles then...What do you think?
He is on jury duty this month and has to show up tomorrow--I think it's for that murder trial that I had him read/study about in the paper. Not so that he has a preconceived opinion already or anything...!
LH said…
Everyone should click on Photos by GPM over in the distractors list because my birthday foto is very cool.

I would be commenting on it but i've forgotten my jpg log in. It'll come back to me. THANKS, GOOD PAL MENOSKY!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful Flowers!

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