The Infamy

In the past week, I've gotten a new job at a new school, packed up a classroom into 52 boxes and have finished the draft of the diss.
In the next week, I will go to the Pacific Northwest, meander through rain forests and collect rocks on beaches.
For today, I'll probably just loll a bit, do some packing, loll some more. I'm not good for much else if truth be told. And if another truth be told, this summer has not been one of my favorites. Next time I say I'm going to write a dissertation, remind me of the summer of 07, por favor.
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KC said…
i am so happy for you i could burst. you're going to have a great vacation, i just know it.
LH said…
thanks kiddo, it took me 3 years to write, so it hasn't really sunk in yet.
3 years, geezlouise.
Anonymous said…
Congrats, congrats, congrats! I am so happy for you, lh. Well done, indeed!

What of this new job?
LH said…
thanks, jdoc. so much.
My elation level is slowly rising.
My new job is with 3rd/ and 4th graders in a split classroom in downtownschool. I'm very jazzed about it.
Anonymous said…
Now you can head off on a real high.
Enjoy it all!
LH said…
i will, anon, thanks.
I was worried i wasn't going to polish off that last chapter before the trip. Sitting on the beach with a copy of "Critical Discourse Analysis and the Classroom" did not appeal to me in any way.
Undomestic said…
So when does the book come are turning it all into a book, right????

Enjoy your so deserve it! BRAVO!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats!!!!! You have worked hard and deserve to go on 90 vacations.
Julie Anna said…
congratulations on finishing the diss and the new job! I am extremely envious of time in the pacific northwest, one of the most awesome places on earth. Have a wonderful time.
Anonymous said…
I would agree that the Pacific Northwest is, indeed, awesome, but put in my own bid that maybe, just maybe, the San Francisco Bay Area should have been given greater consideration in the vacation hierarchy.

travelingpants said…
We love your blog!
So many ideas on where to go.. Can you help us? We want to travel the world!
We are Kiwis that have never left NZ so need some serious help on where to go.
If you can drop us a line at

Look forward to hearing from you!
Anonymous said…
You DID it! Congratulations! You've been working like a dog for such a long time, I hope you had a relaxing vacation.
LH said…
thanks dears! I now start the task of packing for the return plane trip. it can be done.

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