The Slap

I'm in a weird mood mix of excitement about working and feeling pitiful because I'm working. I am happy for my pals who are white water rafting or hiking in the woods setting up screech owl boxes, but I'm going to be forthright, I'm experiencing some envy as well. Honored Adviser and I did head out to view Maltese Falcon last night where I was inspired by Bogart's line, "When you're slapped, you'll take it and you'll like it." Thanks for my new mantra, Humphrey B.


Anonymous said…
Those of us who live under the same roof as you find this new mantra somehow troubling.

LH said…
Come on, bogart wouldn't steer us wrong. go with me on this one.
KC said…
i was so startled by the new template!

i wish i could say that the rafting wasn't that fun, but that would be a lie.
LH said…
ikeep changing the template. i think i'll stick with this one for awhile. i need to stay focused on the dissertation and not on the distractions so much.

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