The Oddities

My beloved parents have an odd habit of not telling me when someone in the family is hospitalized or even deceased. Sometimes I find out months later that one of the ancestors has died or had a leg amputated or has been hooked up to an iron lung for the past six months. It's taken awhile, but the sibs and I finally have figured out how to deal with this family quirk. We no longer assume honored parents will forthcome with family news and we call eachother when we think news needs to be shared. When SisterWomantheYounger left a voice mail yesterday, I knew calamity was in the air. I called Father of the Year and after some wrangling he reluctantly disclosed, "Well we didn't want you to know this, but your mom's in the hospital." I call the hospital to talk to Mom and she begins our call with, "Now why on earth were you told about this?" Does anyone else think this is odd? Because I do. But Mom's coming home today and she's feeling fine, so all is well. And every family has their quirks I suppose. Thanks for the phone call, Faitho. We can beat these peeps at their own game.
Foto credit: Goodpal Menosky


Anonymous said…
What?? Why was your mom in the hospital? For how long? Why wouldn't they tell you that??

My mom had melanoma (about 25 years ago) and we didn't know it until about 6 months later when my aunt said something to us. She couldn't understand my anger and I couldn't understand her lack of communication.

Anonymous said…

When will they invent the IChip? Something that just inserts into the cranial area for a quick daily scan. Sign me up!

Oh and Faith rocks with the phone calls this weekend.

LH said…
my mom was just in for know...HEART PROBLEMS! But you know hospitals...they never find anything wrong with you. so back home she went.

They say they don't want us to worry, but don't they realize worrying is one of our favorite pasttimes??? Let's get with the program people.

good idea on the chip.
Anonymous said…
Update on Ann, please.

LH said…
she's wearing some type of heart monitor around. gathering data in a real life setting.
i'll let you know what we find out. you know when choi's birthday is?
Anonymous said…
Do keep us posted.

Choi's birthday is July 21stish(???). I can't believe I don' have it in my calendar. It's around the same time as m. sholinbeck's, and one is 7/21 or 7/22, and one is 7/24. How pathetic is that?

LH said…
thanks, m. i remembered it as earlier for some reason. and sholin's too. so i'm even more pathetic in the birthday remembering dept.

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