The Setterfield

The 13th Tale? I finished it last night. I liked it quite a lot. A moody old fashioned mystery. It's gotten me thinking about twins. I taught 2 sets of twins this year and they were best friends to one another. I feel I've really missed out on something being a single birthed person. But what can I do about it now? Next book will probably be Sam's new one, or maybe Sea of Trolls, or maybe Water for Elephants. I'll keep you posted. Summer vacation so far is suiting me fine.


Anonymous said…
I enjoyed 13th tale so much! A great story.
I vote for Sea of Trolls to be your next book. It's such a great read.
Anonymous said…
As the last, by a lot, of five children, I often wished I had a twin. Mainly, I think, because I was lonely and bored stiff. What I really wanted at the time was someone -- anyone -- to help entertain me.

Now, I wish I had had a twin as someone who would have competed with me, pushed me -- or perhaps inspired me or conspired with me -- to do more stuff. I'm rarely bored now, but I am pretty complacent with -- and often revel in -- inactivity. Seems wrong, unambitious, unproductive, etc. Some folks just seem to get so much done...

KC said…
i will put this book on my list. do you think i would like it too?
Anonymous said…
I'm feeling the love with ya re: summer vacation!
LH said…
hey jw...many sixers have also recommended sea of trolls. i'll put it in my bag.
m, you have always been one of those people who "seem to get so much done" to me. I guess it's all in our way of looking. i too love inactivity and wonder about that trait.

kace, i think you would like it, but have you read the pessl book? i think you would like that even more.

yay b, this is the beginning of week 1. i'm heading off to a hot stone massage. hoorah.

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