The Bling

My homeroom houses 14 sixers and about 15 fifth graders, here after called los cincos. We are a split class, so los cincos scoot around to the various classes with sixers all day. I've heard some sixers say some rude comments about los cincos, so we talked about being in a split class and how it was for the kiddos. Many cincos expressed that they were nervous about being with the sixers, but they do feel more confident now that they've been a few days in the compound. One announced that she finds the sixth grade teachers to be much nicer than the fifth grade teachers. "We are good, aren't we?" I commented. After our class meeting we headed out for recess. One of the sixers asked why I was wearing two silver chains today and I told her that sometimes I just feel like some extra bling. Then I turned to her friends and said, "Bling is another word for jewelry. Just fyi." Finally one smirked a bit, but for several seconds they looked at me as if I were the freak of the century. I love it when that happens. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
Good job on that class meeting. It is amazing that we have to state such obvious things and be so direct. But that's our job and you are on it.
KC said…
this is getting me psyched to go back myself. Those sophs and I are going to enjoy one another, I just know it.
Undomestic said…
I really wish I was a cincos in your class. You are so awesome. I'm tearing up laughing, just visualizing the bling scene!!!

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