54% of schools in Indiana did not meet AYP this year. AYP = Annual Yearly Progress. That's bad news for teachers coming back to school in a few weeks. These schools will face improvement plans, rigid supervision and punishing sanctions. Union leader guy at the meeting yesterday shared these facts about our schools. 3/4 of those failing to meet AYP did not make it because kids in their buildings who receive special education services did not pass the ISTEP test. The other fourth receive free or reduced lunch services. So most of the kids who get free lunches in Indiana are passing ISTEP, and that's nice to know. The union is funding a lawsuit to get more funding for students who qualify for these services, since the NCLB mandate has been underfunded in our state. Good job to our union. I'll keep you posted. Maybe we'll be getting additional resources here in the Hoosier state.


KC said…
Count me as an opponent of NCLB.

Love this photo of Q.
Undomestic said…
Quinn looks so pensive!
LH said…
I like this foto too. We had walked miles that day and were taking a rest in the Luxembourg Garden.
Those little guys of yours will slow down one of these days and spend time staring off into space. Not sure if it's something to look forward to or not.
happy weekend k and c

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