The Rigamarole
I'm getting really cheesed off because JW is still in the hospital. They're playing with her mind and with mine, indirectly. Each day she calls to tell me that she'll come home the next day. Then the next day she calls to tell me that they've decided that she must stay. I don't know how she's coping with this hospital rigamarole but I know it's wearing her down. The other night when KW and I were visiting, she told us that the nurse keeps offering her pain medication even though her pain level isn't too high and she doesn't need it. I stared blankly at her for several minutes before sputtering, "When someone asks you if you want pain medication, the answer is ALWAYS YES. Geezlouise, have I taught you nothing???" We've gotta get her out of there. Clearly, she's losing it. Cross your fingers.
Good luck.
We're coming in.
Love and Light and Prayers and....
have you been to the best masseuse in the world? probably not because she lives in bloomington.
she helped my neck yesterday.
yay. jw is free. i keep telling her, "NO ONE stays in the hospital anymore. What's going on here???"
the whole thing really put me over the edge, so i'm hoping she can think of others and stay out of hospital in future.
dm, i too have to type the words and the letters are often run together oddly. thus forcing me to sign in again. it's a small price to pay for being able to be part of this most excellent blog community, I'm sure you'll agree.