La Fete

La Fete de Musique is a must for all of us next year. It's like a gigantic free Lotus, with a zillion musicians perched around the Latin Quarter. We heard music of all kinds and when the streets got way too packed we started snaking our way home. #1 heard some band playing Seven Nation Army down the street and took off running. He stopped about 20 feet ahead and yelled back to us, "Come on!" So we all ran to hear that last song. Well worth it. Today Husbandman took kiddos to the Pompidou and to St. Chappelle. I made progress on that which shall not be named and then we walked to this here Pyramid. Tres joli.


KC said…
this sounds really fun. i'm diggin' the paris blog, although i do feel, despite your accessibility, that you are quite far away.
LH said…
hi dearheart. I feel far away too. it's a whole different country over here. today we were stuck in a long line with the Indiana ambassadors of music. Young kids in blazers that we decided were probably orch-dorks.
Isn't summer grand???

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