The Gash

Right before I slipped on some ice last night, I thought, "This could be slippery." Then I went down. As you can see, I have a fairly serious gash. A jagged piece of limestone cut into my palm. Someone at work ridiculously suggested that I cover it with a bandaid, but I asked, "How can I show it to people all day long if it's covered with a bandaid?" (What a weirdo). We have an elmo projector in the compound classroom so I was even able to display the gash on the television. The sixers cried out, "Please! Stop!" But I wanted to give my gash the attention it deserved.
I urge you not to click on
the link for the word "deserved."
I did and I sincerely regret having
done so.
Thanks readers!!
Sister woman, hope the gash heels quickly it could bring down your bowling scores.
I hope your cut isn't hurting too much!
if you google image "gash" get some great pix. i love that i'm not alone in the desire to display the gash. i have to think more about why so many people want to do this.
a vocab venture word for you this week: smug. Please use in context. love you #1son.