The Cheesing
"Can we get her fired?" That's what a sixer asked another teacher today. Yes, he was referring to me. I won't go into the details, but the whole day I've been really cheesed off about the incident. I've spent the afternoon eating nonstop...cookies, triscuits, cheese. More cookies. I jinxed myself with an upbeat email to my mom about how fond I've grown of the sixers. When will I learn? A positive attitude doesn't pay. Stay negative. I've told myself time and time again.
Nance---R. gets cuter by the day!
on the plus side, r. is looking tres chic. if you have to have an assholic student it must help to have such an appealing daughter.
Keep giving it to them full force. Learning is struggle.
I, on the other hand, would pay to have you teach my child.