The Cheesing

"Can we get her fired?" That's what a sixer asked another teacher today. Yes, he was referring to me. I won't go into the details, but the whole day I've been really cheesed off about the incident. I've spent the afternoon eating nonstop...cookies, triscuits, cheese. More cookies. I jinxed myself with an upbeat email to my mom about how fond I've grown of the sixers. When will I learn? A positive attitude doesn't pay. Stay negative. I've told myself time and time again.


Anonymous said…
Negativity is all I am getting out of the boy here. Can I fire him?! He is one sixer that needs some attitude adjustment these days! AUGH! I think you deserve a raise! Do they not know the quality teacher they have?! Apparently not!
Nance---R. gets cuter by the day!
LH said…
Thanks, Nancer. Your first comment. This is reason for celebration.
KC said…
i had a bum day, too because we had to bag the podcast assignment (after spending three full days on it) due to maddening technology failure. the kids, the tech teacher who was helping me, and I were all very upset.

on the plus side, r. is looking tres chic. if you have to have an assholic student it must help to have such an appealing daughter.
Anonymous said…
R is adorable. Why doesn't that sixer know how much you rock? Give me a name. I'll tell him.
Anonymous said…
A kid who wants you fired? You must be doing a great job and pushing him to his limits. You Go Girl. That is why we go everyday.

Keep giving it to them full force. Learning is struggle.

Undomestic said…
I always told my students' parents, if they hate you, then you're doing your job. I think the same goes for middle school students.

I, on the other hand, would pay to have you teach my child.
LH said…
Thanks good pals. What a week it's been. After much drama and trauma, things are settling down with the sixers who desired a termination of my employment. One kid wrote in his log today, "I already see a change in my behavior!" One day down....

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