The Bed
I've been blowing my nose this week, but today the whole body blew a gasket and it hit me that the only place for me was bed. So in bed I've been, watching Topher Grace in one movie, Diane Keaton in another. It's probably my fate to spend the first vacation days in bed. A cellular shutdown may be the only way to slow the pace. And fate's been intervening weirdly in other moments so I know it's lurking nearabout. Examples: I told someone I wanted to make cranberry bread and then someone else gave me a cranberry bread in a jar deal for christmas. And I bought two gift certificates today for friends and then I regretted buying one of them and then the shop called tonight and said that they only ran my credit card once so I was able to tear up one of the gift certificates. Something else happened fatefully, but I can't remember right now. I'll tell you later. Back to the bed I go.
Get well!