The Match

Last week I talked to someone who finished their dissertation in 3 months. His words filled me with awe and anxiety. I'm not sure I'm the best writer for this dissertation of mine. It seems to need someone more efficient and I need it to be a bit more self-reliant. I'll do all I can, but in the end, the dissertation has to stand alone. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said…
I think Rascal's face is saying, "I know you can do it, Lee!" Doesn't he have such a hopeful look on his face? (But maybe he was just hoping someone would give him some food, I don't know) I was thinking the other day about how horrible it must be for the evacuees to have to leave their beloved pets behind.
LH said…
i'm not sure if it's a look of hope or a beseeching look that says, "can you take your crazy son home now?"
i've heard many pet horror stories, last night i read something about stray dogs are now being shot in n.o.
sorry to bring that sad news into your life! rascal is v. photogenic and we all love him!
Anonymous said…
Excuse me! Of course you can write the disseration. Nobody writes a diss. in 3 months. Yours will be worth reading and will be a bestseller someday.
Anonymous said…

We honor you
We praise you too
We really, really, really do!

I think you and your disseratation will find you have a lot in common. Love and believe in you, Ros
Anonymous said…
Yeah. The 3-month diss. dude is abnormal. Your diss. rocks and you will finish in your own time.
LH said…
Thanks friendies, and teen daughter. I did some way excellent work today and am feeling the power of my sweet skills as a dissertation writer. the trick is to write every day. haven't mastered that trick yet because of the demanding job, but i'll get there. have wonderful weeks.
Julie Anna said…
if I ever have a dog, it might have to look and act just like that dog! I'm in awe of your dissertation writing...I can't even squeeze in a blog entry every day! The desire is there, but where goes the time?
LH said…
i'm so compulsive about blogging that i had to make a rule that i could only blog after i worked on the diss for a set amount of time. otherwise i'd probably blog every hour. probably should consult someone about this. i would blame KC, but i love the blogosphere so much that i'm mostly just grateful.

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