The Letter

Babbling today about writing and power, some kid interrupted me to talk about a letter to the editor he had read. The letter criticized people for using the term "gay" as an insult. The kids erupted at this remark, sharing their ideas about how stupid it was to use the word gay as an insult. Another kid said, "Last year a kid called me gay about 85 times. It's rude to homosexual people and it's rude in general, so just don't do it." You can never really tell, but it seemed like most of the kids were in agreement. I added something lame like, "And it's like harassment." A girl nearby countered, "It's not LIKE harassment. It is harassment!" After being with the little kids for so long, I'm taken aback by these conversations. I'm not used to following behind, perhaps? I could get used to it. Today was one of those days where the room is humming and people are focused on working and still having a good time. Of course midterms go out Monday, but I don't care. I'll take it.


Anonymous said…
I heard the word gay twice today. It's time for my talk about the use of the word which kids, I'm sure, refer to as gay later. I was choosing my battles, though, and didn't have the energy for the talk after getting between two large boys who I thought might fight.
LH said…
choosing the battles is a really good idea. i ranted like a mad woman to two boys today thinking that one was copying off the other's lit. log RIGHT in front of me and after i kvetched at length, they explained to me that i was totally wrong. I was embarrassed, (chagrined?) but they seemed to still like me after i apologized. i can't know everything.
LH said…
and what do you say when you talk about gay??? guide me oh middle school teacher who's so awesome.
Undomestic said…
What an awesome conversation your kids had. Sixth graders can be so compassionate.
LH said…
you're right cari, they are compassionate, and I'm growing very fond of all of them. on friday i kept a kid in at lunch because he had none of his literature assignment done. so we ate lunch together and fixed up his lit. log and when he was done, he said, "thanks so much for helping with this." I was like...DUDE, you missed lunch with your pals??? but the sweetness of that was ... well, really sweet.

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