The Numbers

Most articles I’ve read about the peace rally in DC last weekend estimate that the crowd ranged between 100,000 and 500,000. That’s a huge, exciting turn out and Husbandman expected more press coverage. He asked if the blogosphere had much about the march, so I’ve collected these links for him and for any one else interested in these admirable movers and shakers.Though organizers of the pro-war rally on Sunday projected attendance of 20,000, only 200 to 500 people attended. I know this war is unpopular, but 500 people? This number is significant in its insignificance.


hr said…
I feel like I've spent the afternoon with you. I (re)read your social narratives piece for Harste's class then watched the video of you and your kids talking about Sister Anne's Hands. I did my best not to brag to everyone that I know you.
LH said…
I Heart Harste!
and Heather too.
I should pull out Sr. Anne again. I haven't read her in forever.

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