Remember I wrote about my stomach ache on Monday?

I must be feeling better because I'm blogging again. After dinner on Monday with wine pals, JD and Savvy Mom, (Teacher Mom had to leave early) I got the stomach flu and have been in bed since then. I think I'm getting better. I ate some wheat thins. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said…
Thank God you're back.

I hate it when you take blog breaks. This time, I felt especially bad because I knew you were sick.

Rest up!!
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry you've been sick! We've all been sick here too, and we can't even cheer ourselves up with some videos! (no vcr and all the videos are in German anyway) Hope you're lots better soon.
Anonymous said…
Those wine glasses in that photo look pretty empty!!!

I'm glad you're feeling a tad bit better. Keep resting.
LH said…
I'm finally feeling better. Yay. Yay.
I actually worked for one hour today and even drove the car to get some soup for lunch. I feel like singing that Doors song, Break on thru to the other side..."
Yes, C, the wine was consumed.
And MH, I forgot that all the vids in Germany would be in....german. What a hassle! Hope you're all mending....
Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting a pic of your friends. Now I have a face to put with the names.
LH said…
Hey J, As you can see I'm really becoming quite the photographer up here. Be prepared to be substantially blogged when I return. happy friday,
LH said…
I forgot to mention, Judy, that you'll get to meet these minnesotans at Ncte. yay
Anonymous said…
Glad to see my eyes are open in the photo. Looking forward to wine on Monday. Much needed.
LH said…
yay, jdoc visits the blog! love it. looking forward to monday...

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