Scary Times

It's almost 70 degrees out and nearing time for my afternoon slog. I haven't worn shorts for many months. The whiteness of the legs may be a public health hazard, blinding vehicular operators on River Parkway. I'm concerned.


Anonymous said…
well... i bet my whiteishness can beat ur whiteishness!!!
LH said…
I seriously doubt that my friend. Look at the screen behind this text. That's almost how white I am.
Anonymous said…
i think whiteishness is caused, as are so many things I've recently discovered, by an unhealthy colon.

as well as being white, do you ladies suffer from toenail fungus? how about cold/shaky? food cravings? lupus? are under or over weight? any indigestions?

well, the likely culprit is a aggrieved to know more? read on:

by the way, that Larry Pope is NOT related to Larry Pope the lounge singer extraordinaire, case you wondered....

Anonymous said…
As my husband always says to me when I complain about how white I am. "Newsflash...your mother is white, your father is white. There is NOTHING you can do about it!!!"
LH said…
thanks for the colon site Sam. So useful.
Cari...Your husb is right, but the early spring skin tones are jarring you have to admit...
Anonymous said…
I'm whiter for sure. Let's compare on Monday!
Anonymous said…
Something that has always frightened me is how white my feet are even compared to my white legs. People actually make comments throughout the summer. I think that my feet are albino. It's really only been in the last ten years that I will wear sandals out in public.
LH said…
I've never noticed the white foot factor. I'll have to pay more attention.

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