Raisin Bread?
Every week I talk to Mitzi on the phone. I prepare for this talk by buying a chi-chi cheese and some fancy pants wine. The cheeseguy usually recommends a cheese for me.
Yesterday I get the cheese home and read its label:
Papillon Bleu: Like all true roqueforts, this is 100% sheep's milk cheese, aged in caves on the Cambalou mountainside. It melts in the mouth leaving an amazing flavor of mold and salt. Great with pasta, salad or raisin bread.
Not only do I feel over-the-top pretentious, I can't get the taste of mold out of my mind as I'm eating it. Ick.
Yesterday I get the cheese home and read its label:
Papillon Bleu: Like all true roqueforts, this is 100% sheep's milk cheese, aged in caves on the Cambalou mountainside. It melts in the mouth leaving an amazing flavor of mold and salt. Great with pasta, salad or raisin bread.
Not only do I feel over-the-top pretentious, I can't get the taste of mold out of my mind as I'm eating it. Ick.