The Easy Way

“Look for the easy way. Make the dissertation as easy as possible, and make your choices based on what feels the easiest.”

This bit of wisdom comes from an advice book about dissertation writing. Shaky advice considering the easy way is far away from the dissertation---the way of the reality tv show accompanied by a glass of wine. Plus, pursuing the easy way consistently results in fairly low quality products, I’ve found.

I have worried too much lately that the dissertation work lacks the hard way of the critical theorists. That’s been nagging at me and I am working now on letting go of always needing to take the hardest route possible. Maybe my easy way will let me rely on what I know and let go of what I don’t. For awhile at least.

I wish I could say I didn’t pay much for this “guide to dissertation success,” but that would be too easy. But perhaps you can benefit from my mistakes. You may want to pass up Get It Done, by Jain. If it appeals to you though, let me know and I’ll send you my copy.


Anonymous said…
Is writing your dissertation harder than writing and publishing a book?

I had a catalog come in the mail the other day, and I saw your book. I was excited, since I know you. I'm quite star-struck that way.
LH said…
Yeah, it is. But I could just be making it harder, because that's the kind of thing I really like to do. I'm excited just knowing that my book was in a catalog that went to your house. YAY.
we missed ya last night, but I'm glad you got some time with husbandman...
Anonymous said…
Was it just the 3 of you last night..or more? I'd love to buy you each a drink next week to make it up..if you're still doing the afterclass drink.
LH said…
Jessie, KC and I were there and we will be there next week too. But maybe KC is going to be in Las Vegas? I can't remember if she's missing a class for that. I'm still in, tho. We'll just have to toast her.

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